Dr Mary Baltazani

Postdoctoral Researcher in Phonetics

I am interested in phonetics, phonology and their interface, with special interests in intonation and pragmatics, Greek dialects, dialectology and sociophonetics. Here are some of my current/recent projects:

I am leading the ESRC funded project ‘Greek in Contact’, which examines the impact of long-term language contact on the intonational patterns of Greek varieties, whose speakers lived and interacted with Turkish and Italian speaking populations. 

I am a co-investigator on a BA funded project ‘Components of Intonation and the Structure of Intonational Meaning’ examining the longstanding debate on the compositionality of intonational meaning, that is, whether intonation contributes to utterance meaning holistically or consists of primitives each contributing independently.

I led an NSRF European Regional Development Grant ‘VOCALECT’, comparing the vocalic systems of several Greek varieties.

Further details of my research interests, a list of my publications and other activities, can be found on my personal webpage

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