Undergraduate Studies

Canvas should be consulted for a detailed overview of Prelims and FHS for both PPL and MLL undergraduates.

Current students should also consult the relevant course handbook and contact their College Linguistics Organising Tutor (LOT). To contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, use the following address: dus@ling-phil.ox.ac.uk.

Preliminary Examinations (Prelims)

The Prelim in Linguistics is the same for undergraduates studying MLL or PPL; it aims to introduce you to the core areas of Linguistics through a mixture of practical classes, lectures, and small-group tutorials. At the end of the course, you will be assessed through two written examinations.

Final Honours School (FHS)

Choosing your FHS options

In choosing which subjects to take at FHS, you should first familiarise yourself with the options available to you, and any specific requirements for your particular degree course (MML or PPL). You may have some idea from subjects you studied at Prelims, but some options may be completely new to you. You should discuss your interests with your College Linguistics Organising Tutor (LOT), who will also make sure you cover all requirements and that you have a balanced programme of study. If you would like to know more about a specific option, you can also contact the convenor for that option. You are also encouraged to attend lectures in options you are potentially interested in. 

FHS Lectures and Tutorials

Lectures for linguistics subjects are spread throughout the academic year, and some of them are regularly spread across two or even three terms. Where possible, you should attend relevant lectures for your options from the very first term of the course, even if you will not be having tutorials until later in the year or even in your final year. Do not assume that you will have time to attend all the lectures in your final year! Your College Linguistic Organising Tutor (LOT) will be able to advise you on which lectures to attend at what stage in your course, depending on your choice of options: however, it is your responsibility to ask for that advice.

Though the Faculty endeavours to provide tuition for all options every year, the availability of some options depends on staff availability, and cannot be guaranteed. You are advised to include fallback options in your tutorial planning in case any of your planned options are not available in that year.

Arranging FHS tutorials

Once you have decided the options you wish to take, liaise with your College Organising Tutor (LOT). Your LOT will contact the relevant paper convenors in order to arrange your tutorials. The paper convenor will then assign a subject tutor, who will get in touch with you directly to agree a schedule for tutorials.

Duplication of material in examinations

Students are forbidden to repeat or reuse material in answering more than one examination question, either within the same examination or in two different examinations. However, it is likely, indeed expected, that there will often be overlap between material studied for different papers, for example the FHS General Linguistics paper (Paper A) and the various Linguistics Option Papers, the Linguistic Project and the Thesis, as well as papers in the history and structure of particular languages (Papers IV/E1 and V/E2) and (for Modern Languages students) the extended essay. In light of this, students are reminded that they may make use of any relevant material in answering questions on these papers, but can only use the material once. In particular, students may choose to answer questions within the same area of linguistics in more than one paper, so long as no material is duplicated.

Further guidance on avoiding plagiarism can be found here.

Offering feedback, Complaints and Appeals

The Faculty greatly values the feedback that students offer on the teaching they receive.  Procedures for complaints and appeals are outlined in the MML and PPL Undergraduate Handbooks.

It may be necessary for changes to the information on these pages to be made in certain circumstances, as explained at www.ox.ac.uk/coursechanges. If such changes are made the Faculty will amend this online information and students will be informed.

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