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Comprehensive information about tuition fees and funding can be found on the University admissions website:

It is also worth taking a look at the fees, funding and scholarship search tool to discover what funding opportunities may be available.


There are a number of funding opportunities, but essentially there are five types:

  1. Many Oxford Scholarships for which an eligible graduate application will be considered automatically if the application is submitted by the January deadline (such as Clarendon Funding and the Birla Studentship outlined below);

  2. Some Oxford Scholarships which one needs to select specifically on the graduate application form, with, if required, additional materials (such as the Ertegun Scholarship, AHRC and ESRC Funding outlined below);

  3. Other Oxford Scholarships, for which one needs to apply independently from the graduate application (such as certain College Scholarships);

  4. External Funding, for which one needs to apply independently from the graduate application and to an organisation external to Oxford (such as the Philological Society Master’s Bursary Scheme mentioned below);

  5. Extra Support, beyond scholarships and loans.

All Oxford Scholarships are searchable with the Fees, funding and scholarship search toolThe Humanities Division provides advice on funding for all graduate students. External funding and extra support listed by the University need to be researched independently. The following resources may be useful:


Fees and Finance

DPhil Applicants

AHRC Funding

AHRC provides funding at the DPhil level via the Open-Oxford-Cambridge Doctoral Training Partnership.

In order to be considered for OOC DTP funding, applicants must ensure that all required material, including the OOC DTP application form and references, is submitted by the January deadline.

Information about AHRC studentships at Oxford can be found on the Open-Oxford-Cambridge DTP website. Please ensure you have read all of the guidance available on the website before completing the OOC DTP Application Form. Questions can be directed to the OOC DTP Office.

Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for High Income Countries

Commonwealth PhD Scholarships are for candidates from high income Commonwealth countries, for full-time doctoral study at a UK university. These scholarships are offered under the six CSC Development themes.

All Graduate Applicants

Academic Futures

Academic Futures is a series of scholarship programmes that will address under-representation and help improve equality, diversity and inclusion in our graduate student body.

Clarendon Funding

Clarendon funding is available for all students. Master's funding is reserved for students who intend to continue their studies to DPhil level. This should be made clear in the application.

In order to be considered for Clarendon funding, applicants must ensure that all required material, including references, is submitted by the January deadline.

Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities

Ertegun funding is available for all graduate students.

In order to be considered for Ertegun funding, applicants must ensure that all required material, including the Ertegun supporting statement references, is submitted by the January deadline.

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Funding

The ESRC is the UK’s largest organisation for funding research on social and economic issues. The University, in collaboration with Brunel University and the Open University, hosts the Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership - one of fourteen Doctoral Training Partnerships accredited by the ESRC as part of a Doctoral Training Network.

In order to be considered for a Grand Union DTP ESRC studentship, you must select ‘ESRC Grand Union DTP Studentships in Social Sciences’ in the University of Oxford scholarships section of the University's graduate application form. You must also complete a Grand Union DTP Application Form and upload it, together with your graduate application form, by the relevant January deadline for your course.

Information about ESRC studentships at Oxford can be found on the Grand Union DTP website. Please ensure you have read all of the guidance available on the website before completing the Grand Union DTP Application Form. Questions can be directed to the Grand Union DTP Office.

Basant Kumar and Sarala Birla Graduate Studentship

Funding for one three-year graduate studentship has been donated by Birla International Limited. The Scholarship provides in full the tuition and college fee, and a maintenance grant commensurate to the national minimum doctoral stipend of the UK Research Councils, for three years. It is open to students of all nationalities.

College Scholarships

Most colleges offer their own bursaries or partial scholarships, available to applicants in a number of disciplines. These are listed in the Fees, Funding and Scholarship search tool. In some cases, you must name the relevant college as your first choice on your application in order to be eligible for the bursary or scholarship.

In some years, the Faculty is able to offer joint scholarships with certain colleges. In years in which these scholarships are available, information on how to apply will be provided on this website.

The Philological Society Masters Bursary Scheme

The Philological Society offers a limited number of annual bursaries for students embarking on a taught postgraduate programme in the areas of linguistics or philology for which MPhil and MSt applicants may be eligible. 

The James Pantyfedwen Foundation

The James Pantyfedwen Foundation supports many postgraduate students each year, those being either Masters or PhD students. Currently, grants are for the payment of tuition fees, up to a maximum of £5,000 in each case.

Anna Morpurgo Davies Graduate Studentship

The Anna Morpurgo Davies Graduate Studentship for the Support of Graduate Study in Comparative and Classical Philology is open to students from any country of residence who are undertaking graduate study or research in Comparative and Classical Philology in the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics. Each Scholarship may provide full funding for the standard duration of the student's course (typically three years in the case of doctoral students), or may provide partial funding.